Simple and effective hand reflexology techniques to support the wellbeing of your child with a focus on anxiety, immunity, digestion and sleep.

“We love your cards. They look so cute and the little poems are very sweet. Videos were very helpful, making everything absolutely clear. We have already practised both Felix and Sammy twice. We are trying to find time to practise every evening as they are super easy and my one year old boy loves it. Thank you.”

A holistic and complementary approach to support your child’s wellbeing. This ancient Egyptian technique involves putting pressure on certain areas (reflexes) of your child’s hands.

Different areas represent different body systems and organs and applying pressure with thumbs and fingers to these areas, a positive change in the corresponding zone of the body can take place, improving mood and boosting energy.

These simple routines can be used to support your children with anxiety, digestive discomforts, sleep deprivation and immune deficiencies, as well as providing you a moment of connection through touch therapy and song.

Engaging with your child using the poems and songs, whilst you press the reflexes on their hands, will deepen your bond with your child, as well as support their wellbeing.

With a choice of Sammy the Sloth, Tilly the Toucan, William the Walrus and Felix the Fox, download these cards and ‘how to’ videos to help you find the point on their hands, and let the imagination and wellbeing thrive.